How Do I Record a Video Using Screencastify?

How Do I Record a Video Using Screencastify?

Screencastify is a free Chrome extension that allows you to capture audio and/or video right from your Chrome browser. Follow the step-by- step directions below or watch the video tutorial to learn how.  

Step-by-Step Directions:

Install the Screencastify Extension in Chrome

  1. Go to
  2. Click INSTALL. You will see the Screencastify logo (red arrow) at the top of your browser now. 


  1. Organize your apps/windows on your screen in order to prepare for your presentation. 
  2. Click the Screencastify extension icon (red arrow).
  3. Choose the recording area (browser tab or desktop).
  4. Choose your microphone and whether or not to include your webcam. 
  5. Click record.
  6. When finished, click the extension icon again, then click the stop button. Your finished video will open in a different tab. As your video finishes processing, it will be saved to your Google Drive. 
TIP: with the free version of Screencastify, you will only be able to record a five-minute video. It is best to keep videos for online learning short and concise (between 3 to 5 minutes). If you need to record a complex topic, It is recommended that you make a series of short videos instead of one long video. 

Video Options

  1. Notice your options for the completed video in the right sidebar.
  2. From there, choose to either view your finished video in your Google Drive folder, save it on YouTube, or see embed code that you can use to post your video on a website or in a learning management system.

Video Tutorial